Fighting a Cold

Earlier this week I was feeling a bit off, and couldn’t stay up that long, and slept a bit longer than usual. And I just thought I was overly tired from the stress from the holidays, but .. soon I found out that I started to get soar throat, headaches, snotty nose, backpains, and what not. Yep. A cold.

I hate having a cold.

My appetite was still there, so that was good. I could still eat to get some energy, I started taking vitamin pill every morning after breakfast, and I had tea and soup too during the days. I few days were pretty bad, as usual, but the last few days I have been doing a bit better. It’s a 9 days thing, so I just have to sit it out and be smart about what I eat and do. Making sure I win this little fight.

Is it me, or am I needy for attention when I am sick, but still want to be left alone. hehe.

I can’t wait to celebrate with a drink and a pizza that I have won this round.


