Tag: gtd

  • How Social Networks Lowered My Inbox

    The first thing I did when I got ‘the Internet’ was to claim my own little spot on this virtual world knowing I’d stick around for a while. And I have done so by reading the RFC for e-mail and talking to the ISP and figure out how to set up my first ever electronic…

  • I Forgot To Blog Today

    Oh my, so sorry. The other day I kind of implied I would make up for slacking, but I had a busy day, went to bed, woke up late, and continued my todo list. I run into the item of writing a blog and realized it’s already nearing midnight. Woops. I still have so much…

  • Organizing Important Information

    Update: Since 2010 I have moved to 1password, because of continues development, browser integration, and iOS support. Strongly recommended! Since I’ve moved away from Windows I’ve found myself wanting to be more organized with the way I store important information such as logins to web sites, private web addresses, shell accounts and what not. In…