Tag: php

  • It’s time for PHP 5

    Despite that it has been known for a while, the time has now simply come. PHP 4 has received its final release, version 4.4.9. The last security fix, the last bug fixes, and the last time it will get support. It’s time for PHP 5. If you run a web site at a hosting provider,…

  • Installing APC on CentOS 5 Server

    Bigger PHP applications, such as vBulletin can gain a lot of increased performance from running a PHP op-code cache/accelerator such as APC. Here are some instructions on how install APC on various systems, my personal experience is with what appears the most common: 32bit CentOS 5 Server.

  • Rebuilding The Office

    Over the last six months I have spend quite a bit of time and money into updating my home entertainment system and my little office. Changes included upgrading my internet service provider account and purchase new hardware, and most recently replacing a few ugly wooden planks with a new, more shiny, bigger one. And there…