Today marks the day that I am 39 years old, and 40 is now really creeping in. I miss being young; a teen, doing awesome stuff with my friends. Once you get homework, bills, your own place… responsibilities kick in and it feels like you’re losing that nostalgic fun I something think back to.
tl;dr It’s my birthday, and I might not really be one to celebrate it. However, I have still invited a few friends and family for a coffee this weekend. Well, at my parents’ place. Oh, I turned 39. MEH
I am not one for birthdays really, I don’t like big unexpected surprises, or rooms filled with people and spending a whole day celebrating. A birthday gift to me is just chilling at home or with a friend, talking over a glass of whisky about whatever. And that’s what I have planned for today. The 23rd I will be at my parents with some family for a small birthday party with family and some friends. Sent out an email telling them I will be having a coffee and some cake after supper, and that if they have the time they’re free to come. Nothing mandatory, no present required (but welcome!). The feedback was nice, the majority want to come for a chat, excellent. Gives me my birthday to do what I want: that’s a gift for me.
Hopefully my father will make his amazing apple pie and brownies Saturday.
[update: HE DID!]
I guess I now have twelve months left to come in peace that I am hitting that forty mark next year. And it gives me a bit of time to think about what I might want to do. Really, nothing big please. It’s no fun for me, and I am not like other people who secretly really like it (I really do not).
But for now, it is 1am, and that means a little toast 🙂
Am I old and wise now?