Here we are, another year on our calendar has started. Welcome to 2018. Hopefully you had a wonderful holiday season with positive experiences and fantastic foods. But *snap*, let’s get back to reality. Life’s tough, and sometimes a struggle. But here we are. How about we work together to make the best of it, and then pay that forward?
Last night I fall asleep watching a show on Netflix, yay for having an iPad by the way, and feeling great that it’s the first day of the new year and that this will being so many opportunities with it. I put a scratch ticket away that told me I won six euro. Ha! What a fun way to start the new year. It made me think back of those nights years before where instead of something fun, I actually had nothing but negative feelings, bad news, or that sort of stuff. Yeah.. I am glad this is where we are today.
There and then I decided that even if it is just six euro, that it’s perhaps a nice idea to put that aside for something nice to do later this year. And that maybe something positive will come from it. A first step towards taking advantage of upcoming opportunities perhaps? And I woke up to an email that someone donated me fifty euro “just because”. What? Hello Karma, I see you’ve made it to 2018 as well. I am not really supersticious, but it’s almost a sign.
Karma, opportunities, positive thoughts, .. what’s missing? Paying it forward. While still waking up and going through some messages while petting the cat snuggled up against my hip, I decided to get out and get up in a bit and first do something for someone else. One way or another. And to hold myself accountable I would for example share that with others.
One of my friends’ daughter wants to play Minecraft, so let’s make sure that server is online. I’ve already worked on it earlier in December, and she joined just the other day. But there’s not much to explore just yet. My plan was to live-stream on Youtube updating the spawn area of the Wilderness world so it’s more fun to go there. Paying forward to hopefully finding her feeling motivated to make fun builds and get her friends involved and have a fun time playing together with them.
Having skipped breakfast basically, I had a drink of water and cleaned the water and food bowls of my cat. A little pet on her head and it’s time to start some laundry, open the balcony door for some fresh air and gather up some garbage to throw out when I go downstairs later. Huh, I thought, I haven’t had nothing but throughts in my mind the last month or so that I wished to pick up bloggng again. Maybe it’s time to do something for myself as well. So here I am, writing this right now. Thank you for reading it.
And as my mind wonders what else I want to do, I realise this years’ todo list is going to be even bigger than the last couple of years. I have to update my blog to better support 2018, I have to post to the public that the new year is a great time to change your most used passwords again. To let site owners know they have to double check the footer on their site. And start budgetting for upcoming stuff, etc. My head is overflowing already. Yep. Real life kicks in. I am sure when I am downstairs later a new bill is already waiting for me in my mailbox.
For now, I have had a nice night, some positive karma, and I paid it forward. For today this will be the blog post and the other thing I can do today is share my smiles with family members and meet up with my sister or niece, and say hi to my parents. Laundry should be done by now, and it’s time for a shower. I appreciate it that you follow what I do with my life, it motivates me to share my knowledge online, give suggestions and recommendations, and help where I can. While making tutorials and videos about stuff I am working on. So stay tuned, subscribe and like, and tweet me back or reply to facebook. Let me know how you’re doing as well.