Author: MrFloris

  • Nine Inch Nails : Ghosts I-IV

    A while ago when their new Ghosts came out I downloaded their Ghost I for free and enjoyed it. It’s in my playlist in Itunes. And today I heard the songs playing again and I was like, damn .. this is good. So I decided to go ahead and get the full shebang.

  • Live Diggnation in Amsterdam

    So .. today I went to Amsterdam for a bit with a buddy to watch Live Diggnation episode being recorded. We had fun and .. this was the second time I’ve participated live. Not much else to say, just .. go get episode 144 and see Kevin’s mustache :p  (it’s fake)

  • Upgraded my ISP Account

    A small update about my ISP account. I do not have an HDTV and won’t be getting one any time soon (unless I get lucky and get a load of money suddenly) so now that my ISP ( has introduced new accounts with discounts it was worth looking into it to see if I could…

  • PageRank Went Down

    Today I read on that Google’s PageRank has been updated again. So I bothered to take a look. Let me start by saying that I do care and do not care about page rank. It doesn’t bother me a bit if a site has 1 or 2, or 4 or 6 or 10. But…

  • Using my Mac Software

    When dealing with data such as a video file, audio file, text document, spreadsheet and such, I have always been told to use a office solution of some kind. Something that ties things together. So when I moved away from Windows to a Mac solution I have purchased additional software solutions to replace for example…

  • I Forgot To Blog Today

    Oh my, so sorry. The other day I kind of implied I would make up for slacking, but I had a busy day, went to bed, woke up late, and continued my todo list. I run into the item of writing a blog and realized it’s already nearing midnight. Woops. I still have so much…

  • Kitty Got Scared

    Ok, I have to admit, I wasn’t so nice to Sasha, but it was funny!

  • CES 2008

    CES 2008 has started and all the tech sites are going crazy over it. They’re posting the thinnest and largest monitor, the easiest new devices and the super cool technology etc. Personally I am not impressed, but I should be.

  • Secure Browsing Using FireFox

    In an earlier blog entry I kind of promised to come back to explaining how I try to be more secure about how I browse using FireFox. So here it is. First of all there are two different ways I do this, one is on my Powerbook (laptop) which I bring with me and therefor…

  • Using Moodblast

    [Update in 2016] It’s been years, and I no longer use or recommend this tool. I thought the blog post was fun enough to keep around though. Maybe consider something like Hootsuite now? Over the last year or so I have been signing up on one social network after the other, from MySpace (ugh!) to…

  • Tired

    Today I just can’t deal with nonsense, so I am staying in bed feeling sorry for myself. I didn’t sleep last night due to my shaky eyes, woke up every other hour with an increased headache. Spend the day ignoring a migraine and felt like shit each time I ate something. Life can suck it,…

  • Catching Up on Christmas Dinner

    Because I was enjoying (cough) the flu around Christmas I invited my parents and my sister over for a catch-up dinner. We’re just getting together and having a nice dinner. Nothing fancy. We’re ordering it from a catering service so no fuzz or anything.