Hi, I am Floris.

  • Windows Oh Windows Why Are You Such A Pain

    Today I’ve tried to work on installing BootCamp 2.0, doing a 32GB partition for Windows XP Pro with SP2. Boy oh boy, that cost me a few hours of nothing but frustration. After a lot of screwing around, a lot of reboots, a lot of forced shutdowns and a lot of swearing towards Microsoft ..…

  • Getting Finances In Order

    Through the last summer and especially the last few months I’ve had a bit of a rough spot when it comes to my finances. And I won’t go into detail to ensure that I won’t bore anybody with the specifics, but .. now that the holidays are over it’s time to revisit my pile of…

  • Die Hard And Fireworks

    Yes! The HDDVD Box with the four Die Hard movies has arrived. And it’s the 31st of December today, which means that we are enjoying enduring an evening of old classic movies or Christmas movies, and top100-everything lists on TV, speeches and musicals before we start having fun with friends and family, set of fireworks…

  • Top 10 Apple Products

    At this moment I can not browse the web without running into a Top X list, and some are fun or nice to read, but the majority of them are just made without any thought. For example, there was an article on Digg about top25 movies from 2007, but a good handful were all made…

  • Uncle Charles

    Before the weekend we had the sad news that our Uncle Charles has passed away (peacefully) at the age of 89. Today’s the funeral. We love you Uncle Charles and will certainly miss you. From when I was a child you spoiled me with elaborate gifts, and I enjoyed our conversations about your travels, old…

  • Merry Christmas Everybody (2007)

    Yep, it’s that time of the year again: Christmas! So I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and have a great time with your family. I of course am home alone sick. Boo! My sister had this great dinner planned but that cold / flu I’ve been trying to fight came back this weekend.…

  • Improving Online Security

    Over the last few years I have taken ‘being online’ a lot more serious, especially the security aspect. Trojans, rootkits, viruses, naughty cookies, xss exploits in sites and advertisements, and all that nasty stuff is now a day to day matter. Not to mention fraud, scams, spam and id-theft. Particularly with being ‘on’ 24/7/365 because…

  • What Goes Where On My System?

    My Mac Pro has a bunch of hard drives right now, and I have been adding, swapping, and removing drives the last few months. It was time for me to get a bit more organized and I think that’s a great tip for everybody. It gives you a much better understanding of what is on…

  • I Got Myself A LOLCAT

    During the summer my parents got a pair of kittens, a brother and sister. Now that the weather is getting colder the cats are trying to figure out where they belong on the farm. In the barn with the other cats and animals, or in the house where my parents live, with the other cat…

  • Organizing Important Information

    Update: Since 2010 I have moved to 1password, because of continues development, browser integration, and iOS support. Strongly recommended! Since I’ve moved away from Windows I’ve found myself wanting to be more organized with the way I store important information such as logins to web sites, private web addresses, shell accounts and what not. In…

  • Goodbye 2007

    Yep, I did it. I’ve said goodbye to the year 2007. This means I am making a fresh start with my blog. New blog, new theme, new blog entries. So, this means Happy Holidays and a Healthy 2008 to all my friends and family! Thank you all for browsing my blog site in 2007, I’ve…

  • Switched to Mac Pro from Windows 100%!!

    My Mac Pro arrived, completing my switch from Windows to Apple 100%. I took pictures and threw together a gallery for my friends. (Build using just Lightbox2 / Prototype / XHTML  CSS) Bye Windows, you crappy crashing, data corrupting, poor performing OS. First impression: Boy what good looking, easy to upgrade, high performance, quality…

This blog is just a little bit of me.