Hi, I am Floris.

  • I am bad at tidying up

    Yeah, sorry.. I just am. While I try to do better, it’s just not really happening. Things that I am bad at: Following through. I have the best intentions, and I try to do well (I will get to that in a second), but I find out over and over again I just keep falling…

  • Lazy, chilling out, movies and pizza

    “Hey Siri, set my lights to pizza night” -ding, “okay”, as she replies from somewhere the lights change to chill settings, and I finish ordering my pizza. Yeah, there’s not a specific blog article for today. I am being lazy. On purpose though. I just want to celebrate the new year, this first week, and…

  • Minecraft Changelog

    Yeah, I am still a kid inside, I like to play Minecraft. It’s fun. I like the concept of a world where you can break and take, place and change every block from top to bottom and make it your own. It’s the 16-bit version of the Matrix, and I have 24/7 access to it.…

  • Tidying up 8TB worth of external drives

    Way way back in the day my friend’s dad was quite familiar with how computers worked. He showed me how to open his beige case up and point out the individual components. I had no idea what he was talking about. But two things stood out to me, and since he said it I never…

  • Having a Sam day

    Okay, bare with me on this one. Because this might be a bit strange to some that know me, but .. I might be offline for an hour or two. Hold on!.. hold on! I am okay! Don’t panic. I am going to have what I like to call a “Sam Day”. Psst, if you…

  • I cannot stress enough: password manager

    Because people hate reading, I will just simplify this and then get into it a bit deeper. 1- Get a password manager, and use it! 2- Use unique, long and strong passwords (with a couple of exceptions) with 2FA. 3- Stop coming to me if you don’t listen, I am tired of solving your stupidity.…

  • About a dozen Pringles boxes

    Surely enough I’ve mentioned this on at least social media, if not on my blog somewhere: I find creative ways to save up a bit of money. In the past I’ve simply created a second bank account for saving up for my iMac. I’ve also bought little mini box with layers in it to put…

  • Copyright 2018

    It’s that time again. A new year means that webmasters (ouch, that term!) have to review the sites they have/manage/operate. From backups, archiving, bug fixes, security patches, a/b testing, and whatever else your todo list might entail, all the way up to checking if the data in the footer is still valid. Are the links…

  • Hello 2018

    Here we are, another year on our calendar has started. Welcome to 2018. Hopefully you had a wonderful holiday season with positive experiences and fantastic foods. But *snap*, let’s get back to reality. Life’s tough, and sometimes a struggle. But here we are. How about we work together to make the best of it, and…

  • VPN update

    It’s important to have a great VPN, so consider my affiliate link: https://torguard.net/aff.php?aff=3431

  • My own little world

    Nope, not going to charge my batteries so I am ready to talk to others. I am not going to sit here waiting for others to show up and give me attention. I am not going to be there for others for once and give them their attention. I want to avoid conflict, frustration, irritation,…

  • Sasha turned 10

    Born March 2007, she’s now ten years old. Oh my gosh! It goes way too fast. But she’s an adult, just not in my eyes. MAH KITTY! Tonight we celebrate with cake and toys and hanging out on the balcony.

This blog is just a little bit of me.