Tag: kitty

  • Kitty Got Scared

    Ok, I have to admit, I wasn’t so nice to Sasha, but it was funny!

  • Die Hard And Fireworks

    Yes! The HDDVD Box with the four Die Hard movies has arrived. And it’s the 31st of December today, which means that we are enjoying enduring an evening of old classic movies or Christmas movies, and top100-everything lists on TV, speeches and musicals before we start having fun with friends and family, set of fireworks…

  • I Got Myself A LOLCAT

    During the summer my parents got a pair of kittens, a brother and sister. Now that the weather is getting colder the cats are trying to figure out where they belong on the farm. In the barn with the other cats and animals, or in the house where my parents live, with the other cat…