Tag: server

  • yum update script

    So the other week I have been working on my dedicated box, just to make it a bit easier to work with in the future. One of the things I was trying to understand and learn was yum update and bash scripting. So why not combine the two? Right.. This blog entry is the result,…

  • Installing APC on CentOS 5 Server

    Bigger PHP applications, such as vBulletin can gain a lot of increased performance from running a PHP op-code cache/accelerator such as APC. Here are some instructions on how install APC on various systems, my personal experience is with what appears the most common: 32bit CentOS 5 Server.

  • PageRank Went Down

    Today I read on vBulletin.com that Google’s PageRank has been updated again. So I bothered to take a look. Let me start by saying that I do care and do not care about page rank. It doesn’t bother me a bit if a site has 1 or 2, or 4 or 6 or 10. But…

  • Top 10 Apple Products

    At this moment I can not browse the web without running into a Top X list, and some are fun or nice to read, but the majority of them are just made without any thought. For example, there was an article on Digg about top25 movies from 2007, but a good handful were all made…

  • Rebuilding The Office

    Over the last six months I have spend quite a bit of time and money into updating my home entertainment system and my little office. Changes included upgrading my internet service provider account and purchase new hardware, and most recently replacing a few ugly wooden planks with a new, more shiny, bigger one. And there…