Tag: mac pro
Purchased a New 1TB HDD
Yep, it was that time again, after throwing away as much as possible and filling up that free space all my drives are basically full again. So it was time to buy a new one. A few days after Christmas I found a nice sale on a Samsung SpinPoint F HD103UJ 1Tb 32 Mb |…
Crossover Games and Counterstrike: Source on a Mac
Yes! It’s possible. There .. that should answer the question of ‘Can I run Counterstrike: Source and Half Life 2, etc on my Mac?’ Now let me explain how I’ve experienced it.
Upgraded my ISP Account
A small update about my ISP account. I do not have an HDTV and won’t be getting one any time soon (unless I get lucky and get a load of money suddenly) so now that my ISP (UPC.nl) has introduced new accounts with discounts it was worth looking into it to see if I could…
Secure Browsing Using FireFox
In an earlier blog entry I kind of promised to come back to explaining how I try to be more secure about how I browse using FireFox. So here it is. First of all there are two different ways I do this, one is on my Powerbook (laptop) which I bring with me and therefor…
Windows Oh Windows Why Are You Such A Pain
Today I’ve tried to work on installing BootCamp 2.0, doing a 32GB partition for Windows XP Pro with SP2. Boy oh boy, that cost me a few hours of nothing but frustration. After a lot of screwing around, a lot of reboots, a lot of forced shutdowns and a lot of swearing towards Microsoft ..…
What Goes Where On My System?
My Mac Pro has a bunch of hard drives right now, and I have been adding, swapping, and removing drives the last few months. It was time for me to get a bit more organized and I think that’s a great tip for everybody. It gives you a much better understanding of what is on…
Switched to Mac Pro from Windows 100%!!
My Mac Pro arrived, completing my switch from Windows to Apple 100%. I took pictures and threw together a gallery for my friends. (Build using just Lightbox2 / Prototype / XHTML CSS) Bye Windows, you crappy crashing, data corrupting, poor performing OS. First impression: Boy what good looking, easy to upgrade, high performance, quality…
Paying $700 More For Mac Pro In Europe?
After much anticipation Steve finally introduced to us his latest addition to the Intel powered Mac family, the new 2x Xeon dual core powered Mac Pro and, with an reasonable price of only $2499 I was ready to make a purchase. However, as always, the prices in Europe in Euros are the same as the…