Tag: twitter
How Social Networks Lowered My Inbox
The first thing I did when I got ‘the Internet’ was to claim my own little spot on this virtual world knowing I’d stick around for a while. And I have done so by reading the RFC for e-mail and talking to the ISP and figure out how to set up my first ever electronic…
Retweeting 1, 2, 3 with Re-Tweetiquette Retweets at Twitter are the modern town crier in the Twitterverse – the universe of Twitter. Retweets spread the news in the typical “hear ye, hear ye” town crier style. You receive a Twitter message and you simply pass it on to others. And simple is the optimum word…
TV Recommendations April ’09
The last week I have been talking to a few friends on Skype, IRC, MSN and Twitter about watching television shows, and I was kind of surprised that people who love to watch TV are sometimes missing the greatest shows. Yes, of course it is quite possible my taste in TV is just not matching…
April Fools 2009
If you follow me on twitter you will have noticed that I did not post a lot on April 1st, 2009. Because I sold my account to Facebook for 1750 euro with the promise to use Facebook Status instead. Of course .. this was a lie. I would never do that 🙂 Twitter = Twitter,…
My Cat just Joined Twitter
I am still not sure how I feel about this, but .. I guess she felt the need to socialize. You can find her on @SashaPurr – she begged me to ask you guys to please follow her. If it was up to me, don’t. Update: She was naughty and I took away her twitter…
Cleaning up Twitter
A new year, so it was time to take Twitter (twitter.com) a bit more serious and clean up the duplicate entries and nonsense like that.
Impressed with WordPress 2.7
For an open source project the WP 2.7 release is significant enough. The dashboard (backend) looks pretty damn nifty and I just hope 3.0 will introduce an equally pretty frontend. I would NOT mind using that as my default theme!
Improving Gmail Security
In a few of my other blog posts I have already used the example of Gmail and https to improve security. But I feel with the recent improvements Google introduced that it is time to emphasize security and email again.
Using Moodblast
[Update in 2016] It’s been years, and I no longer use or recommend this tool. I thought the blog post was fun enough to keep around though. Maybe consider something like Hootsuite now? Over the last year or so I have been signing up on one social network after the other, from MySpace (ugh!) to…