Author: MrFloris

  • goes live

    He did it. Just a week before his birthday the 23rd, but my dad is finally on the Internet with his personal website. It is a small little spot on the world wide web where he can share some news about the stuff that keeps him busy while he’s enjoying retirement. From his paintings, to…

  • macOS System Integration Protection

    With the introduction of OS X El Capitan, Apple added SIP (System Integration Protection) as a control mechanism to protect system-wide files and directories from being able to be altered, even by root. This is therefore also referred to as Apple’s rootless solution; and referred to by Apple as a necessary requirement to improve their…

  • init 5

    “Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur”

  • Under the radar iOS 10 features

    One of the coolest little settings that you usually do not hear a lot about are the accessibility settings. People tend to ignore them because they might not have a disability. But, there is enough in there that’s worth discovering. I myself use it for my bad eyes. I use it to bump the size…

  • Change root password on Ubuntu

    Not only is this blog post a little reminder for people with servers to change their passwords once every so often, but it also explains how I’ve done it on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server the other day. I thought it was worth sharing. First of all, make sure you have a regular user on…

  • Email Tim Cook

    Dear Mr Cook, It was a pleasure to watch the live keynotes, both earlier this year and yesterday. I always am filled with such anticipation to see what new products, software and services will be unveiled. The revelations regarding new technology and new company partnerships have shown how Apple has kept technology exciting, even after…

  • First step to https

    The end of the Summer, the old iMac on the balcony enjoying a beautiful morning. Terminal windows open to the VPS where I have some sites running, including Okay, Chrome announced they’re going to start telling you soon when you’re not on a https site. And EFF seems to be pretty stable with their…

  • All big things are little things eventually

    On a scale from zero to five, where zero is something along the lines of ‘there is no hope, just burn the place, run for your lives, aliens have taken over’, and five is more like ‘omg, this is amazing, I wish I could move in with you’. That’s how I approached this Summer when…

  • Development towards an improved or more advanced condition

    In other words, progress. Something I take serious, draw inspiration from, work hard for, and with the end-goal of finding something I do not have right now. Waking up with motivation in my body and mind to move forward yet again towards that goal I have on my mind is a daily struggle. My albinism…

  • Saving up for a new computer (3)

    Someone wake me up, because this must be a dream. It’s the Summer of 2016 and almost July. I’ve reached the third milestone. It’s .. I .. I just .. It is just .. wow. tl;dr Milestone 3 reached! An blog update on the project, spoiler: It’s at 100% goal reached. If you were…

  • Wouldn’t it be great if …

    Enjoying life and nature is something I love to do. And I rather do that than spend time on my phone talking about how I enjoyed what I do with my life or how my cycling went. But I love my phone, I just don’t want to waste more time on it than needed. Life…

  • Interview: Tim Oliver

    Going from an idea to something everybody in the world can just download with a click, that is a huge process. It’s not as easy as people might think. Normally someone is part of a bigger machine to make big things happen. Usually though with iOS, it’s just someone having a great idea and trying…