Author: MrFloris

  • #calamity

    ampersand anne bee ass pea semicolon

  • A friendly place to be:

    Back in the day when I started a forum on, I got sucked into being part of communities, and building them. I have helped out with sites so they could get started, customize it to their need and give advice on how to manage them. It was fun, up until real life and online…

  • Thinking about the Internet of Things

    I love sci fi, I love gadgets, I love tech, I love things that are shiny. I freaking love Apple stuff. And I want it all, now, and that includes hoverboards, flying things, mini micro nano robots and amazing tech that helps me every day. The iPhone was a good first step about ten years…

  • Thanks in advance

    This is just a short blog, because my thoughts have been expressed by Boomerang a lot better. But this is why I moved away from Kind regards, or Best, or Thanks, .. when I sign off an email or a more formal correspondence. Boomerang has conducted a study and noticed that Thanks in advance gets…

  • why

    Why does everything have to suck so fucking hard – every – single – fucking – day?

  • Day two, mission review

    Hardly any sleep, but that’s okay. I woke up, charged all my devices, and jumped on the bus to an undisclos.. okay, it was somewhere between here and the north of Amsterdam. My backpack, which I specifically do not call a camera-bag, is filled with a macbook pro, ipad air, iphone 6s+, and a simple…

  • A lazy Day one.

    There it is, woke up in the afternoon. Chilling in bed watching Youtube stuff, while going through my schedule, todo list, emails, and messages. Cat on my belly, which by the way is a perfect iPad stand, and some hot tea on the stand next to the bed. Then suddenly I realised what would be…

  • 2017, Day Zero

    Fireworks explode in the air, sparkles light up the foggy sky. My cat meows from being scared, and the first seconds of 2017 are a reality. Goodbye 2016, hello 2017. Let’s try this one more time. Happy new year everybody, may you all find happiness, progress daily, be healthy, and move forward – one day…

  • Welp, 2016 was a certain year

    Getting kicked in the butt at the end of this year with some unfortunate events and weird circumstances, with the flu on top of that, I do sit here quite happy. Looking back to what I wanted to achieve, how to progress daily, how to get control over my life. I can say to myself…

  • Wasting time gaming releases my stress

    Quick reminder, stressed is just dessert spelled backwards. Does wasting time playing games, on-line or off-line for that matter, releases stress? It sure does for me. What about you? Life is rough, and sometimes you’re simply alone. Jumping on a site to find fun or popular content can result in frustration. Not everybody is the…

  • Time to play MineCraft

    Hi everybody, your friend and enemy Floris here. Just letting you know that the server is online right now, and it is on 1.11 ~ and you’re free to join 🙂 To mine: /mine To spawn: /spawn To build and play in the wild: /general (survival) And the old players can play in…

  • When the Universe is against you

    Is when you feel you’re worthless